Well, I hope everyone (as if anyone reads this) had a great Christmas, and hello New Year! [personally, I don't think anyone reads my blog, and frankly, I don't give a crap because I'm just getting my thoughts out without talking to myself...which seems to be a bad habit]
Anyway, I was at work tonite (meat department) and I leaned over to pick up a tray of raw boneless center cut pork chops when my Zune fell out and pasted itself to them. Nasty. Then, for some reason, I decided it was a good idea to pull it up by the headphones cord and therefore it dropped on the concrete floor...dang. But, it still works like a champ (or as good as every flawed Microsoft product would) Oh, and my paycheck sucked.
By the way, I went to sleep with my Puka shell necklace on, and woke up with it off. No trace of it anywhere. (Me looking around from the comfort of my computer desk) I checked everywhere.

I had a few gift cards...one to Circuit City and 2 to Best Buy. Ugh, two competing companies of which only Best Buy is worth entering. So, I used BB online to buy The Bourne Ultimatum Special Ed. and 5 Dual-Layer DVD+R's. The other, I bought my love somethings that she'll definitely appreciate. :)

I called 1-800-4MY-XBOX and held on for about 10 minutes, then this dude took my info, registered my 'Box and is sending a box for me to put my 'Box in to return it. R.R.O.D. infected my 360 a month ago, and now I'm finally going to get it fixed. (but first, I have to buy that warranty sticker off ebay...cuz I severed mine. oops)
Finally, some quotes:
"I may not always be right, but I'm never wrong." - my co-worker who is entitled to his wrong opinion.
"Don't worry, it's only a cough." - My famous last words as I die from walking pneumonia this week.