I had bought this flash at full price at BestBuy only because I needed it for a jazz competition I had to shoot on short notice, and since BestBuy was the only place open after I got off work, at 6. $300 plus $20 tax, it was such a drain of money just because it's a Sony-branded accessory "designed specifically for use with the Alpha".
I returned it today, will be getting a nice check in the mail in a few days, and since I did like the addition of a flash...I'll be investing in a nice Sigma EF-530 Super DG Flash which I like more and it's half the price of the Sony. Sigma's site says it retails for around $410, lol, probably when it first came out, but I saw on eBay new for about 160. (My 17-70 Sigma lens "retailed" for over $600, but i got it for a mere $300)