"I am anonymous in this world, a variable...X...in this equation; Unknown, I am...the X Faktor."

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Well, today, April 2nd, 2009, believe it or not, I got this plastic card that says I can [legally] drive a motor vehicle.

Allow me to make my statement concerning this matter:


Next, I'd like to say that X-Men Origins: Wolverine was really good, even though the 3D renderings were not yet textured.  Solid movie, Hugh Jackman is the man, and a beast as clearly depicted in the film. Awesome.

that's all.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

Uh-oh, looks like someone leaked the "WORKPRINT" to this highly anticipated movie which comes to theaters May 1st.  I half want to see the workprint, merely because of the kid in me that wants it first before the other kids on the block get it.  Half don't wanna because I don't wanna ruin the movie for me, as I have heard that it doesn't have everything in it, and it's 14 minutes shorter, but still totaling 101min.

Maybe I'll have my boss watch it first.
More on that later.


I've been known to say patience builds character, and today I built some.  Between lousy pictures like the one above, and lousy service at the below diner, I've had enough for a day.

Good lighting and color, but I couldn't get the focus right, and the cold was piercing through my button-down shirt, so I didn't have enough "character" to get this one right.  The colder weather made up my mind to not care for shooting that nite.  Lousy of me, since I used to jump on just about any photographic opportunity that came my way.  Gotta build up some more character.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Usual, Please.

We're young. So, whenever I feel like it, we go out to Applebee's or wherever and get some dinna or cheap appetizers.  But, the thing that always stays the same no matter where we go, is the drink.  Coca-Cola with lime, please. Mm. Nothin' better than real Coke with fresh lime...which we really only had once, since I went across the street to get the lime that time.

We've been getting our Coke-lime drink at Applebee's for some time now, and just a couple nites ago, we get this waiter who tells me all they have is Pepsi.  Since when??  "Since, uh, as long as I've been working here..."  What?  So you mean to tell me that we've been asking for Coke and they've been cheating us all this time?  Wow, don't I feel stupid. 

So apparently there's really no difference between Coke and Pepsi, in fact...they were once joined (in a way) Pepsi-Cola!  With that red and blue logo; funny how Coke is red and Pepsi is blue though, but I think Pepsi knows that it stole the awesome soda idea from Coke, so it gave it some props with the "-Cola" thing and putting red in it's logo. Ta-da!

Coke owns.  Coke with lime is other-worldly.