I've seen very minimal loading screens; basically only when I load a checkpoint or take the bus...yes, you can take the bus to different stops on the map...it's ridiculous.
I think I've just spent hours exploring everything and messin' with militia just to have them pissed off and chasing after me, ultimately ending up in me blowing them back [to hell]. This kind of expansive(ness) and interactivity, along with spontaniety reminds me of GTA, I must say.
The game basically has you do a bunch of "jobs" or hits, and thru this you earn connections and reputation, or lose it. Rough diamonds are the currency medium in the game, which are hidden all over the map in suitcases. (Over 225 cases to find) There's a gun shop (where you buy arms, thru a computer)

Oh, and burning things is not only the best backup option, but also the worst. You're in Africa. Everything is dry. You are low on ammo, so you bust out the rustbucket flamethrower and torch a line of fire between your enemies and you....but end up backing up against a rockwall and the flames close in on you (and your enemies, in both directions). So it's a great gun when you actually plan on using it instead of using it out of desperation. Flame on!

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