2007 - The Year of Change
Well, I hope everyone (as if anyone reads this) had a great Christmas, and hello New Year! [personally, I don't think anyone reads my blog, and frankly, I don't give a crap because I'm just getting my thoughts out without talking to myself...which seems to be a bad habit]
Anyway, I was at work tonite (meat department) and I leaned over to pick up a tray of raw boneless center cut pork chops when my Zune fell out and pasted itself to them. Nasty. Then, for some reason, I decided it was a good idea to pull it up by the headphones cord and therefore it dropped on the concrete floor...dang. But, it still works like a champ (or as good as every flawed Microsoft product would) Oh, and my paycheck sucked.
By the way, I went to sleep with my Puka shell necklace on, and woke up with it off. No trace of it anywhere. (Me looking around from the comfort of my computer desk) I checked everywhere.
I had a few gift cards...one to Circuit City and 2 to Best Buy. Ugh, two competing companies of which only Best Buy is worth entering. So, I used BB online to buy The Bourne Ultimatum Special Ed. and 5 Dual-Layer DVD+R's. The other, I bought my love somethings that she'll definitely appreciate. :)

On another note...I was very active on Yahoo Answers last nite....asking and answering stupid questions. Seems like whenever I open my mouth over there, either I get best answer and people want to be my buddy or they shove my opion back down my throat and tell me to lay off the alcohol or whatever makes me that way. I don't drink, or smoke/drugs...just want to get that outta the way.
I called 1-800-4MY-XBOX and held on for about 10 minutes, then this dude took my info, registered my 'Box and is sending a box for me to put my 'Box in to return it. R.R.O.D. infected my 360 a month ago, and now I'm finally going to get it fixed. (but first, I have to buy that warranty sticker off ebay...cuz I severed mine. oops)
Finally, some quotes:
"I may not always be right, but I'm never wrong." - my co-worker who is entitled to his wrong opinion.
"Don't worry, it's only a cough." - My famous last words as I die from walking pneumonia this week.