The sequel to the Game of the Year 2007 and the (in my opinion) best FPS to date. For me, this sequel just...appeared without warning, and I was surprised at how quite the debut day was. And then, there was the pricetag. I put 5 bucks down to reserve it and the total came out to $30, which is, to say the least, underpriced for a game of this "caliber". Delighted, I was.
100% Intstalled, as of now. I'll post later with gameplay pix, and reviews on how I percieve it to be, to see if it lives up to it's predecessor.
Its me your sis and our main man Jesus:)I want to say glad I 1st had a reason to try to call, then thought yes, you have a site to play on or maybe explain all this to me. Except you being the mastermind that you are, go slowly with me:)Ive missed you my BF and love your whole setup,if this post isn't right then forgive me but Im in awe of all that you do. Sorry guess I seem to think you walk on water:)peter:)hey love this whole setup and now please pray for me today if you get this, that the Kaiser where alot of my training has been done is not very good. Im in ways using them to get the proper blood work if I show pos for this disease then I get the med to help me once and for all per Kaiser. Then its off to fix up another very bad illness, we can talk later bout that one. Yet remember whos in control here, even God helps you with this fun looking game?:)oh well love it here and your decor is marv darling with this your fav BF/sis is rushing to find the right papers my 1st time alone,going to this female dr:) its hard but Im tuff and head over to 360 more to read there my god hope others dont think a thing but Im desperate to show up this morgie trip. Its in ways like a game you play here, and have lots of the latest out of mouths of new owner,Rhapsody bought yahoo name only will show of course to make mo$$Ok Im done please I pray you get this before my 1:45p,missed yesterday because of others who are selfish,one trait I don't care to have. Thanks for your love sorry to anyone who reads this but if a speeding car out of control was coming at you. Wouldn't you ask the person riding in your car to pray also. Rest my case James Bond 007.Happy late birthday, would of called on the day was to weak.If I get this medicine I pray I will soon be me again and sure not so lonely with who you going to call wall busters. They sure do talk good:) ok Im done being silly but underneath you know Im just scared. I feel I've signed up with this site already, so its on we play that game or whatever it goes as soon as I get to feeing a bit mo better:)hey love you Steve L:)hugs too.Now you may have your post back, at this point with this times you really dont' care when its your life. I think you understand when times you either play a game or take a test its all about winnng isn't it? hugs!!For anyone else if I dare see a hatin on here come on be nice I will just have to come get you(Just kidding)Yes be nice in your comment and to all sorry for this but I feel others would understand when its your life and you want to live. Now with that said, go have fun and do something nice just for you today Mr L:)
Thanks, sis, I didn't realize you had so much on your mind. I'll definitely pray for you, and thanks for all of your support as a friend. It's much appreciated. :)
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