"I am anonymous in this world, a variable...X...in this equation; Unknown, I am...the X Faktor."

Friday, June 13, 2008

Ah, Much Better.

Alright, so after giving the battery a full 5-hour charge at work, I came home and hooked 'er up. It seems all I had to do was give the mag a little smack and the bb's load just fine. :) Man, this thing shoots fast and hard. (high RPM and FPS) I tested it, prone from the living room to the kitchen hitting suspicious lemons and quad-fold aluminum foil. I adjusted the rear sight's elevation so we are very accurate at 30ft.
Tomorrow, I'll take her outside for a field test (literally), and we'll see the distance on this thing

350-380 FPS

Maybe after tomorrow, I'll decide what type of scope to put on it (red dot or rifle) and bipod, and then some upgrades (M120 spring + hi-output NiMh batt)

We'll see.

My first AEG is turning out to satisfy quite nicely. :)
[can't wait to get into a game]


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